I believe I am in a better place to confidently call myself an artist. It could be my age, and dismissing the little voices that once haunted me. Actually they can still haunt me, I just don’t give them as much time these days. I give more time now of being open to investigate how I want to express myself.
The light and shadow sides of us are both important to hold up for investigation. I think about the mysteries in our mental architecture. There are so many things larger than us.
We continue to weave our narratives seeking satisfaction. I think about these things as I make my journeys to the studio. Car time becomes reflective time; inspiration time. The scenery here in Western North Carolina is a good tonic for the soul. The light is beautiful, the fog and rain are beautiful. I am growing to love the little farms and houses on my way to town. Each one marks my way. They may find themselves in a painting or drawing.
For the moment I like portraying the roads, the paths I take to get to my destination. They are telling me what to say. If I don’t get their messages down on paper or canvas they are still stamped in my minds eye. I like it when someone is nourished by my work. Artists are here to feed others with their visions. What a great opportunity to live a life doing that? So I continue on my artist journey, hoping now to stay mindful and respect the gifts along the way.
I thought this piece was important to place here. It will be in an upcoming exhibition, ArtFields. It is called “Not Measuring Up”. It is a vision of things that can haunt the soul. This is a reminder that there are those times of doubt when clarity can come to mind. The light and dark sides of our lives are very important teachers, not to be feared. This is part of a triptych. They all became self portraits, and a great way to shed my layers, to become someone I aspire to be.